Dr. Hassan Dahi

Dr. Hassan Dahi

Dr. Hassan Dahi

Hassan Farag Dahi born at Assuit Governorate, Dirout District (1965), finished his B.Sc. in Plant Protection (1989) from Assuit University; M. Sc. in Economic Entomology (1997) from Cairo University; Ph.D. in Economic Entomology (2003) from Cairo University. He started his job in 1992 as a Researcher assistant at Plant Protection Research Institute, Agricultural Research Center, Ministry of Agriculture, Egypt; Assistant Researcher 1997- 2003 at the same Institute; Researcher 2003 – 2008; Senior Researcher 2008 – 2013 and Head of Research at 2013; Deputy Director of Plant Protection Research Institute 2013 – 2018; Supervisor for 13 postgraduate students (M. Sc. and Ph.D.) in various Egyptian Universities; Membership in7 Scientific Societies; executive committee member of Arab Society for Plant Protection (ASPP) 2017 until November 2020, attended at 62 international and national conference and workshops; list of publications contain 56 scientific articles in Economic Entomology branch; 11 international training and courses; Head of plant protection working group of Genetically Modified (GM) Egyptian cotton verities 2003 – 2013; head of 5 Projects 2004 – 2018; head of Fruits pests Department 2017; research lines Economic Entomology, Insect Ecology, Pest Prediction, Non Chemicals, Pest Management (IPM), Genetically Modified Crops(GMO’s).
